Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Back Yard on Canada Day

The perfect day for celebrating Canada's birthday. It's hard to unwind when the pace has been so hectic over the past several weeks, but having a nice quiet spot around the pond really helps. We found "the turtle" that we put in the pond back in the fall. Unfortunately, he didn't make it. The tadpoles are doing famously, however, as are the fish.

I put the fence up during May and June, and it provides a nice backdrop for our clematis plants. Another of my favourite perrenials is the Evening Primrose. It is very forgiving and always blooms beautifully throughout early July. I associate the yellow flowers with the end of school and the beginning of summer.


ScofieldLiu said...

What a beautiful and interesting yard

GB said...

Thanks. I have never had anyone comment on these photos. Today is a national holidy in Canada, commemorating the founding of our nation in 1867. We have been enjoying the beautiful weather today.